Monday, November 8, 2010

November Focus

Dear Readers,

We are back this fall season and more dedicated than ever to getting those helpful tips out for all of our mothers. This month, we are going to be focusing our posts on the identity crisis that so many mothers eventually face in the process of their lives.

As mothers, we tend to only think about those we are responsible to care for. In doing this, we begin to forget who we are or once were as our identity changes to that of a mother and wife. If you have not been in this place yet, believe me, you will be eventually, so please read our focus posts coming this month about how to "get out of the rut" so to speak.

Some of you know that I was once a full-time teacher. I taught fifth grade and enjoyed it immensely. I became a mother to my first child in 2005 and worked through the first two years of my daughter's life, missing all of her "firsts". When my second child came around in 2007, my husband deployed, and I knew that I could not handle the teaching and caring for a two-year-old and infant by myself without losing my mind. I took year off, intending to return to work after that, but became ill.

Over the past three years, I slowly lost my identity as a teacher and woman who worked out of the home to help provide for her family. In life, we must all make choices and sacrifices for the good of our family, but mine was slowly destroying who I had once been. My illness also took a toll and essentially turned me into a hermit. My identity now is one of mother, wife, and daughter. I lost a part of myself when I could not return to teaching in a classroom. About a year ago, I began going back to church and finding things that interest me in the hopes that I could bring myself out of the "funk" I had slowly slipped into.

My point: As our lifestyle and needs change within our family, so too will our identity. It is imperative that as these changes occur, we find the true things that matter to us and hold onto them. It is natural for us to change as we get older and "wiser", the key is to change in ways that matter to us as women rather than allow changes to occur that we cannot live with; only then can you have hope in your heart and soul for your future. Don't allow the "funk" to take over your life.

Every Friday in November, Shevaun and I will be focusing on how we lose our identity and ways to keep from slipping into the "funk" or how to get out of it. Please let us know in the comments section if there is anything you as readers need help with. We are here not just to provide insights and ideas, but also to be a support of moms! We are moms who understand because we have been there as well. So please, share with us so that we can support all of you in your trying times.

1 comment:

  1. Great topic LeeAnne and so needed! I was in a funk all October because it felt like September was weird and I know I wasn't the only one feeling it. Now it's the second week in November (and feeling like it!) and I'm wondering what happened to October. I went to Costco today and tried to use coupons that expired 10/10/10. I was like, "Isn't it the 8th?!" The checker said, "Yeah, but we're into November" HA! I'm looking forward to seeing your tips on getting out of a funk.
