Friday, April 2, 2010

Moving Abroad

Today's topic is moving OUTCONUS. There is always a chance that you may at some time during either yours or your spouse's service in the military that you may make a move overseas. Some of the major things you will want to do before you ever get ready to move are as follows:
  1. Get a passport. If you have never had a passport before, it can take six weeks or longer to get it in the mail after you apply. The time is shorter if you already have one and are renewing it. You will need one for when you travel without orders.
  2. If you are not allotted a POV (personally owned vehicle) at your new duty station, you will want to prepare it for storage. Storage is provided by the government and they do turn your vehicle on once a month while you are gone to keep it in working order.
  3. Visit to find information about your new duty station and meeting any and all of your personal needs (jobs, child care, schools, healthcare providers). This site also has each branch of the military so that you can get information specific to your affiliated branch.

The government will be moving you, so please read my previous article when the government does a full move for you. You will have a limitation for weight, and you may not want to take all of your possessions. If you decide to leave some of your things in the states, you will need to ensure that they are safely stored as the government will not do that.

If you have pets, you will want to enquire if you can bring them with you. Hawaii and Alaska are considered OUTCONUS moves as well. Hawaii has a 30 day minimum quarantine for pets, so be prepared. This is to ensure that no diseases are brought onto the island to be spread to the native animals. Quarantines will be required at other installations as well, so be sure to check your duty station's policy. Some duty stations will have a no pet policy so make sure you have a plan should that occur.

The best advice I can provide for this type of move is to research, research, research! Do your best to know where you are going and what is available.

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