Monday, November 16, 2009

Keeping Veteran's Day All Year

Too many times, our veterans are overlooked; their sacrifice under appreciated. Celebrating our veterans can be an all year activity rather than just a one time a year half-hearted reminder. Let our veterans know you are thankful for the time they spend away from their families and spend the holidays overseas with only their comrades as companions.

I have been blessed in my life to be able to appreciate two veterans in my life today. My father-in-law who began his service to our great country when he was just eighteen years old during the Vietnam War. His sacrifice and experience throughout his twenty three years in the Marine Corps made it possible for those less blessed than us to have more freedoms in their lives. My husband is the other veteran in my life that I never forget to thank. Although I am the one that is left behind, I understand that what he does has a greater purpose than just living the selfishness of our own lives.

So, try not to take your own veterans for granted. Let them know you care in the little ways that count. Thank them for their sacrifice and willingness to serve our country. For those veterans that have served in past wars, don't let a day go by without letting them know that you appreciate what they have done for this country from both World Wars, the Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm, as well as the battles we continue to fight today. Be thankful for their service, for without the men and women willing to serve and protect this country, we would not be who and what we are today. Imagine, we could all be speaking German today under a repressed Hitler like government where fear would rule our every action! What an amazing thing our civil rights are- the one thing that our military fights every day for!


  1. Thank you for this great reminder! We take for granted so many of our freedoms. Just like Christmas - we need to keep a constant spirit of respect for our Veterans. Not just on the 4th of July and special holidays.

  2. Thank you for this! My dad served for a short time and when he died I got a flag in his behalf that is sitting on my piano. I love looking at it and being reminded of that! Also my grandfather served in WWII and I love seeing our family gather around him and the strength that he has created in us.
