Tuesday, December 7, 2010

When you feel the "Bad day" coming on

Okay, ladies, I had to share with you what happened this morning to me! I began my day at 5 am this morning with a peepee accident with my 3 year old. Thankfully, my husband helped by cleaning him off and putting him in our bed before he went off to work (a big thanks to wonderful husbands and dads that do give you a break when you just want to hide under the covers that early in the morning!). When my alarm finally went off to get my daughter up for school, I was really not ready to get moving. If any of you have seen Bruce Almighty, I was Bruce trying to stay in bed even when the covers are pulled from you! (Not moving...nope.. not me!- this is a really great visual and I hope you are all laughing about it!). I finally get moving, get my daughter out of bed (this took 10 minutes with a mini breakdown from her of "I don't want to go" and "I don't like school"- even though I know this to be the exact opposite). The bane of overly exhausted children. You know they do not go to sleep right away when we put them to bed, they sneak those toys into bed with them and play, although I have only seen the remnants of this the next morning... she is too quiet to catch in the act. So we finally get breakfast and vitamins into her tummy, another battle! Meanwhile, I am also trying to get my son ready to leave the house and school starts in less than 20 minutes! I have to drive 10 minutes to get to the school, which is not bad, but just brushing teeth, putting on shoes, and getting her jacket on seemed to be another dramatic moment! By this time, my anxiety had ratcheted up and I could feel my body heat up (which ladies, if you have never experienced this, makes your irritation even worse!!). Finally, we are ready, rushing to the car.. I finally get to her school looking at my clock thinking we made it! Only, don't you just know it, MY clock is 2 minutes behind the school clock and so now I have to sign her in. I just sit there in my car giving my daughter the 3rd degree because now we have to go to the office and I am, wouldn't you know it, in my PAJAMAS and ROBE!
As you can imagine, this is not the way to start a day, but we all know it happens. My advice is to remember to keep your cool. Sometimes these hiccups happen. For me, I had to vent about it right away so that I did not dwell on the irritation I felt with my daughter... so who did I call, but her father. And there he sat on the phone with me laughing, because he could sure picture me in my moon and stars robe with messy hair and slippers signing our child into school. Now, you must realize by this point, I too was laughing about the whole situation. Sometimes our days do not always go as planned, but we can't stop doing what needs to be done just because our day has started rotten. We as moms still have jobs. What I would have liked to do was crawl back into bed when my son and I returned home from our morning fiasco, but instead, I made a cup of tea and began working on my homework. "Bad days" can be like a domino effect. Once one thing goes wrong, it all goes wrong. However, that does not have to be the case. If you feel this happening, stop for a moment or two, take a breath and a break for 20 minutes or so, and then begin again starting with something that you enjoy doing. Your "bad day" will definitely turn into a better day. And don't be afraid to share! Venting those yucky things that are making you feel bad does help, especially when you can vent to your husband who has the ability to turn your frown upside down!

1 comment:

  1. I am chuckling & smiling as I can see this whole morning unfolding........what a hoot & I'll bet that you're not the first one to show up in the office that way.....or the last. Remember this moment honey for when you need a pick-me-up smile or chuckle.
