Friday, March 5, 2010

Living a Healthy and Happy Life

For the past several months, I have been following the Healthy For Life teachings from Dr. Strand's book Healthy For Life: Developing A Healthy Lifestyle That Has The Effect Of Permanent Fat Loss.
In his book, Dr. Strand writes about why American society is increasingly obese as well as why the risk of having type 2 diabetes is rising. He covers a wide range of topics in his book about why our bodies are addicted to the highly processed foods we find in the grocery store as well as why we have food cravings. He attacks the topic of weight loss and obesity in a scientific manner rather than opinionated and the clinical trials that he has completed with his program proves that his extensive studies and teachings actually work.
The Point:
Right now you are probably wondering what the point of this is. Here it is. Ever wonder why the news is always reporting on the rise in child obesity in America? It is because of the foods we feed them! They are just as addicted to the non-nutritious, highly processed, sugar packed foods that have so many foreign preservatives in them that we shouldn't even be eating them. Those foods that are oh so convenient are actually toxic to our bodies; hence the rise in obesity. Our bodies were not meant to process those types of foods!
Fact: School provided breakfasts and lunches MAY be considered "well-balanced", but have you ever wondered why your child is always hungry even though they are supposedly eating fully nutritional well-balanced meals?
Our bodies follow a vicious cycle when we consume foods that are sugar packed. Envision a roller coaster that crashes below the track when it comes down. That is when you feel the need to eat again so soon after you have already eaten. Your body is constantly on this cycle and is constantly craving foods.
Through following Dr. Strand's teaching, I have discovered the true tastes of foods and have actually lost weight! I turned my diet permanently into low/moderate glycemic foods with minimal "cheating" (consumption of high glycemic foods). In doing this, I have effectively reversed any obesity tendencies I may have been trending towards. The best part is that I don't have to deprive myself of the foods I like either!
How do I know this works? For one, I look at myself and see the changes wrought in the past months of the small steps I have taken to changing my eating habits. Second, ever wonder why Nutrisystem works? Low Glycemic foods!- Although, most people will gain weight back on this system because they are not learning healthy habits- they are only on a temp diet. Third, it makes scientific sense!

I replace one meal a day with a low glycemic shake replacement. Here is a recipe I created recently that was oh so good!

Strawberry Blackberry Banana Blast
1 1/2 cup cold water
1 cup ice chips
3 scoops Strawberry Nutrimeal
1 cup frozen sugar-free blackberries
1/2 banana (can be frozen or not)
Use a blender to blend it up! This is very filling and tasty! Good cooking!

If you are interested in teaching your body to blast fat or learn how to live healthier you can go here.


  1. That smoothie recipe looks fabulous!! Can't wait to try it.

    Very informative post LeeAnne! You know your stuff!

  2. Sounds good honey. I can't wait to get there & let YOU do the cooking for a
