Saturday, February 13, 2010

Taking a Moment

Snow dumped on us last night, and if any of you know where I live in North Carolina, that is just not normal for our area. We live only minutes from the beach, and snow is a rare commodity here. So this morning, my husband and I woke up, fed the kids.... and then... frolicked in the snow like a bunch of kids, enjoying our time as a family which is something we rarely do.

Too often life passes us by and we wake up one day and realize how much time has slipped through our fingers or how much we have missed by running through our days. So today, I am spending capering with my husband and children, capering through the snow while it is here and enjoying the beautiful bounty that we have.

Don't let life pass you by. You may wake up one day and realize you missed one of the most important days of your life and you can't get those days back. Enjoy each moment and don't waste a minute of your time. Remember there is more to life than work! I hope this Saturday (pre-Valentines day) finds you all taking a moment to enjoy your families and having some quality time doing something you all enjoy. For me... playing like a big kid in the snow is what's on my calendar!


  1. LeeAnne... I am so jealous. Even though I just got out of the snow about a week ago I would love to be bakc in it. There is something so serene about sitting and reading or eating breakfast while you watch the snow fall. It is suppose to be in the mid 70s here in Orange County today. So I am gonna have to enjoy the nice weather and get outside in shorts and a t-shirt instead of my hats and gloves. Is there snow on the beach too? That must be a sight. i was thinking with the kids maybe I should start watching for some good airfares so you can see your long lost, but never forgotten!, Godson. The kids would love to come see you both.

    Anyway, enjoy your day as a family. You have to take those moments and enjoy them to the fullest. After all the years and problems that I have gone through that is one thing I have learned above all and that is to never take anytime with the kids for granted. Even if it is the smallest thing, such as doing homework, you can never get even that little bit of time back.

    Thank you for posting such great articles.

  2. Have fun in the snow! We are decorating Valentine's cookies at Nana's today (a tradition since I was a child).

  3. Thank you for the reminder. Just set a Valentines table for a special breakfast and dinner! IT is really all about LOVE.
