Friday, January 22, 2010

Virtual Weight Loss Program

For the first time, I am happy to announce that some of my mentors are presenting a program on-line for healthy weight loss! This program is a 12-week program that includes weekly and daily emails as well as 6 webinars where you will learn about the four pillars of success as discussed in Dr. Ray Strand's Healthy for Life book. The four pillars include: low glycemic eating, exercise, cellular nutrition, and journaling. A special webinar will be provided by Licensed Professional Councelor, Aimee Francom, and will cover topics related to emotional eating. The online community will be the place to ask questions, share successes and recipes, and find all the tools you will need to successfully transition to a healthy lifestyle that has a natural side effect of permanent weight loss.
Registration is free for this program and has been clinically tested with success. Monday, January 25th, is the first webinar that will provide information and an overview of the program. So, if you are interested in dropping some pounds, becoming healthier, and feeling the best you have ever felt in your life, pop me an email.


  1. Get ready to watch all your friends turn into FAT-BURNING MACHINES as I cast my magic spell on them. Muahhhhh. Just kidding. No magic. They'll have to put a little work into, but they'll love the results :)

  2. It's a great program to do even if you don't need to lose weight. It's good, clean, healthy eating.
