Wednesday, October 28, 2009


As mom's and as women in general, most of us put ourselves last. But we must remember, in order to care for those around us, we must take care of ourselves first. If we want to be around for our kids and other loved ones for a while, we need to take care of our bodies.
As I said in my previous post, I have struggled with depression most of my life. One of the biggest things that has helped me has been regular exercise. When you exercise, your body releases the chemicals in your brain that make you happy. It also helps me get my mind off of all the things that are bothering me and puts things into a better perspective.
There are so many other benefits to exercise. I could go on and on. So what is the best way to start a program? I love researching online. Think about the areas of your body that you want to work on and research websites for free workouts. One of my favorite sites is They also have tips for healthy eating. There are simple workouts that you can do at home that are free. You do not have to join a gym.
Another thing to remember when starting a program is to make it a priority. Do not let yourself get caught up in excuses!
Check out this blog for other tips and ideas written by the owner of a pilates studio:

1 comment:

  1. yes, exercise is great! i'm really proud of you--- because i'm super good at excuses :P
    thanks for being such a good example.
