Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cutting Costs

We all know that it can be very hard to stay within a strict budget. I have found many ways to cut costs. I look at it as a challenge and it can be really fun.
There are so many ways to cut cost when it comes to groceries. one of my favorite things to do is to use coupons. There are so many sites out that help you with couponing. is based in Utah, so they match their coupons for stores in UT, but they have great links for freebies, samples, etc. Another one of my faves is I get an email from them everyday and always find a link to something.
A really popular thing for companies right now is to offer free and/or discounted things if you "like" them on facebook. Clorox Greenworks is doing that right now and they offer a $3.00 coupon for any size Greenworks laundry detergent. It's on clearance at the Target near me for $3.47 so with tax I only spent .74 on laundry detergent. And you can print it twice!
Another great thing to do is take advantage of all of the drugstore deals. I love, love, love CVS. I get things for free from them all the time.
My biggest suggestion is to google blogs that deal with stores in your area. There are so many that match up coupons with the items on sale. Happy couponing!


  1. love how thrifty you are sister! You always find a great deal!

  2. I'm not really into coupons, but that looks like a great site to check out! Thanks for the link!!
